关于「 paxg」的内容列表

Morpho loses about $230,000 due to oracle misconfiguration

Chaos Labs founder Omer tweeted that the PAXG/USDC market on Morpho lost about $230,000 due to an oracle misconfiguration. Specifically, Oracle on Morpho SCALE_FACTOR misconfigured and failed to account for the difference between USDC (6 decimal places) and PAXG (18 decimal places), which caused the PAXG price to inflate by 12 digits, and security monitoring may focus on the reference price rather than the calculated oracle price. Eventually the attacker deposited $350 in PAXG and loaned $230,00...

2024-10-14 10:35:46
Morpho 因预言机配置错误损失约 23 万美元

Chaos Labs创始人omer发推表示,Morpho上的PAXG/USDC市场因预言机配置错误损失约23万美元。具体而言,Morpho上的Oracle SCALE_FACTOR配置错误,未能考虑USDC(6位小数)和PAXG(18位小数)之间的差异,这导致PAXG价格出现了12位数的膨胀,且安全监控可能侧重于参考价格而非计算后的预言机价格。 最终攻击者存入350美元的PAXG,并贷出了价值23万美元的USDC。

2024-10-14 10:35:46
Paxos releases PAXG July Transparency Report: Gold reserves rise slightly to 187,070.279 troy ounces

Paxos officially released the July PaxGold (PAXG) Transparency Report, which disclosed the unaudited financial data of PAXG as of 5:00 pm EST on July 31, mainly including: the outstanding PAXG circulation reached 187,070.230, the reserve gold increased slightly to 187,070.279 troy ounces, and the outstanding supply of PAXG did not exceed the balance of redeemable assets.

2024-08-23 15:08:40


2024-08-23 15:08:40
Paxos Releases PAXG June Transparency Report: Gold Reserves Rise Slightly to 185,852.614 Troy Ounces

On August 3, Paxos officially released the June PaxGold (PAXG) Transparency Report, which disclosed the unaudited financial data of PAXG as of 5:00 pm EST on June 28, mainly including: the outstanding PAXG circulation reached 185,852.565, the reserve gold decreased slightly to 185,852.614 troy ounces, and the PAXG circulating supply did not exceed the balance of redeemable assets.

2024-08-03 19:51:34


2024-08-03 19:51:34
Paxos Releases PAXG May Transparency Report: Gold Reserves Slightly Drop to 184,251.232 Troy Ounces

Paxos officially released the May Pax Gold (PAXG) Transparency Report, which disclosed the unaudited financial data of PAXG as of 5:00 pm EST on May 31, mainly including: issued PAXG circulation decreased slightly to 184,251.184, reserve gold decreased slightly to 184,251.232 troy ounces, and PAXG circulation supply did not exceed the balance of redeemable assets.

2024-07-02 10:57:34

Paxos官方发布五月Pax Gold(PAXG)透明度报告,其中披露截至美东时间5月31日下午5点的PAXG未审计财务数据,主要包括:已发行PAXG流通小幅减少至184,251.184枚,储备黄金小幅减少至184,251.232金衡盎司,PAXG流通供应量没有超过可赎回的资产余额。

2024-07-02 10:57:34
Paxos releases PAXG April Transparency Report: Gold reserves increase slightly to 184,251.761 troy ounces

Paxos officially released the April Pax Gold (PAXG) Transparency Report, which disclosed the unaudited financial data of PAXG as of 5:00 pm EST on April 30, mainly including: the issued PAXG circulation increased slightly to 184,251.761, the reserve gold increased slightly to 184,251.761 troy ounces, and the PAXG circulating supply did not exceed the balance of redeemable assets.

2024-05-30 17:16:09

Paxos官方发布四月Pax Gold(PAXG)透明度报告,其中披露截至美东时间4月30日下午5点的PAXG未审计财务数据,主要包括:已发行PAXG流通小幅增至184,251.761量小幅增至184,251.761枚,储备黄金小幅增至184,251.761金衡盎司,PAXG流通供应量没有超过可赎回的资产余额。

2024-05-30 17:16:09
Paxos releases PAXG March Transparency Report: Gold reserves fall to 183,846.905 troy ounces

Paxos officially released the March Pax Gold (PAXG) Transparency Report, which disclosed the unaudited financial data of PAXG as of 5:00 pm EST on March 29, mainly including: the number of issued PAXG fell to 183,846.856, and the reserve gold decreased to 183,846.905 troy ounces. PAXG supply did not exceed the balance of redeemable assets.

2024-05-03 13:18:00

Paxos官方发布三月Pax Gold(PAXG)透明度报告,其中披露截至美东时间3月29日下午5点的PAXG未审计财务数据,主要包括:已发行PAXG数量降至183,846.856枚,储备黄金减少到183,846.905金衡盎司。PAXG供应量没有超过可赎回的资产余额。

2024-05-03 13:18:00

Paxos 在 X 平台发文表示,从上周末开始,黄金现货价格大幅波动,各交易所的黄金稳定币 PAXG 价格上涨。Paxos 表示,持有 PAXG 意味着直接拥有 Paxos 在伦敦金库保管的伦敦合格交割黄金,1 PAXG = 1 金衡盎司黄金,但在 2024 年 4 月 12 日星期五,1 盎司黄金现货价格波动超过 100 美元,这是前所未有的情况。每个交易所都是一个具有独特行为的自己的生态系统。例如, Un...

2024-04-17 00:39:13

由于中东地缘政治紧张局势不断升级,刺激了对避险资产的需求,Paxos创建的黄金支持数字资产PAX Gold (PAXG)的价格在周末飙升,据悉上周六PAXG飙升至2,923美元,较周五每盎司黄金价格2,342.90美元溢价超过20%。观察人士发现,比特币的交易价格与PAXG呈完美负相关,这表明作为地缘政治对冲工具的需求疲软。不过由于美国似乎已经说服以色列停止...

2024-04-15 13:49:54
Paxos releases PAXG transparency report for February: Reserve gold drops to 199402 troy ounces

Paxos officially released the February Pax Gold (PAXG) transparency report, which disclosed the unaudited financial data of PAXG as of 5:00 PM Eastern Time on February 29, mainly including: the number of issued PAXGs decreased to 199402.409, and the reserve gold decreased to 199402 troy ounces. The PAXG supply has not exceeded the redeemable asset balance.

2024-03-27 11:08:14